About Shirin Parla Alisha

The company [name of the company] started its activity from the year [year of establishment] and by producing [name of products] on a plot of land with an area of [size] with [number of halls/production lines] halls/production lines, in [location of the company] worked This company produces a quality product at a reasonable price by using modern devices with the latest technology and employing expert and experienced forces.

Shirin Parla Alisha Food Industry under the brand name Ilayda produces all kinds of sugar products, all kinds of lollipops, all kinds of mouth freshener tablets, mint tablets, cinnamon, ginger… with the use of expert, experienced and knowledgeable personnel in the food and health industries. It tries to use the latest methods and the latest standards and the best raw materials to deliver diverse and high quality products to its customers. Our goal is to create sweet and memorable moments for you, dear consumer.